
Top Trending Keywords on Google

 What Are We Searching For? Best Niche for Blogging in the USA Looking at the percentage increase in search volume from one month to another, we can see the impact of seasonal trends, social media trends , and timely news can have on searches all over the world. With youthld data from our super powerful Keyword Research tool, we teach you how you, as a business, can make the most of these trends in your content and traffic acquisition, helping you to: Gain visibility with ultra-relevant content Resonate more with your target audience Optimize and prioritize your strategy (and budget) Get ahead of your competitors Reach new heights with your traffic numbers Plus, we’re all nosey little things, us human beings so, let’s have a sneak peek at the numbers and see what  searches were getting the most hits recently – worldwide, in the US, and in the UK.

Top 100 Google Searches (Worldwide)

The most searched thing on Google in 2023 was ‘youtube’ – taking the top keyword crown for the fourth year running. Will it win in 2024? Without a crystal ball, there’s only one way to answer that. Data. And so far, that data says yes. Using the power of Similarweb’s super fresh keyword data, we put together – and regularly update – this list of the top searches on Google for the year so far to help curious marketers* like you, understand: Your target market and target audiences’ search behaviors Any gaps you have in your content or traffic acquisition strategy Search trends and topics to include in your strategy this year Trending (and detrending) searches for paid and organic campaigns Read More